Asian bond yields moved lower with the decline in US Treasury yields 亞洲債市的收益率隨美債收益率走低

Asian bond yields moved lower with the decline in US Treasury yields

As the US Treasury yield fell from 16-year high overnight, Asia bond markets were relatively stable in the early trading on Wednesday, October 11th. However, in the afternoon, as the Israel-Palestine conflict escalated, risk aversion drove down the yields of US, UK, and German government bonds. Given the rapid decline in US Treasury yields, Asian bond yields also moved lower, with credit spreads widening slightly. Overall, credit spreads of Asia IG bonds varied mostly within a range of +/-1-3bps. The credit spreads of China SOE bonds narrowed by 1-2bps, while the credit spreads of Singapore and Japan IG bonds narrowed by 1-3bps, outperforming the overall Asia IG bonds.

Important news
Over the past many years, China has primarily increased its debt on the balance sheets of local governments and state-owned enterprises to provide funding for infrastructure. According to a report by Bloomberg News, the Beijing government is preparing to make a rare mid-year adjustment to its fiscal budget and is considering issuing at least 1 trillion Chinese yuan in government bonds for use in infrastructure spending, aiming at achieving 5% economic growth target for the year.

Primary market
Bank of China Frankfurt branch issued an offshore CNY-denominated senior unsecured bond
• Issuer Credit Ratings: Moody’s: A1 Stable / S&P: A Stable / Fitch: A Stable
• Maturity: 2 years
• Initial Pricing Guidance: 3.55% area

Secondary market
• SINOPE 3.1 2051 bond traded near 5.79%
• CNOOC 3.3 2049 bond traded near 5.99%




• 發行人信評:Moody’s: A1 Stable / S&P: A Stable / Fitch: A Stable
• 天期:2年期
• 初始定價指引:3.55% area

• 中石油(SINOPE)3.1 2051年券收益率約5.79%
• 中海油(CNOOC)3.3 2049年券收益率約5.99%